There’s something nostalgic about being on a college campus—walking beneath the tree-lined walkways, looking up at the classic brick buildings, and remembering the sounds of students echoing across the old hallowed halls. We felt like we could conquer the world! An energetic vibe always seems to ripple across campus as students play frisbee on the lawns, laugh with friends, and rattle vending machines in hope of a free snack. Oh, how I miss those college days. For many, college is where life really began—and where some found their happily ever afters.
Melissa and Joseph met while attending UCLA through mutual friends, so it made sense to do their engagement session where their story began. When we arrived, it was so sweet to watch their faces light up with excitement. Melissa even wore a beautiful blue dress to match UCLA's colors (amazing color for photos, by the way). It was easy to see that their old stomping grounds bring back lots of fun memories. And I loved hearing all of their stories attached to different areas of campus—they pointed out where their classes were and where they would meet in between classes to sneak in a quick hug (or kiss).
Honestly, watching them relive their days there made for some amazing photos! The genuine happiness on their faces as they reminisced let me capture who they really are as a couple. I could have spent all day as a fly on the wall watching Melissa and Joseph walk around campus together. They just seemed so happy and in love.